FreQuently Asked Questions.

Where is your office located?

Our office is in the heart of Brentwood on the corner of San Vicente and Montana Ave.

1177 San Vicente Blvd. Suite 700.

What Kind of Insurance do you take?

We do not currently accept insurance directly, but are happy to provide clients with a monthly invoice, superbill, that will have all the necessary information on it that can get submitted directly to your insurance company for reimbursement.

We are private pay providers and do not directly bill insurance for treatment. Some benefits of paying privately include more privacy and more control in our work together. However, we’ve found that many insurance companies will cover our services as out-of-network providers. If you have a PPO, we can provide a superbill that you could submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. A superbill is a detailed record of payment with special codes for what kind of service was provided along with our license number. To learn more about submitting out of network claims to insurance, read more here. We recommend calling your insurance to find out what reimbursement will look like for an out-of-network provider, as reimbursement is not always guaranteed. If you’re hoping to find an in-network provider, Good Therapy or Psychology Today are helpful directories.

Check your benefits online:

How do I set up an appointMENT?

The first step is contacting us here. As soon as we receive your inquiry, a clinician will get back to you on scheduling an initial free 15- minute Zoom or phone consultation, where you can ask any questions you have of us, and our clinician’s can gain a better sense of what you are looking for.

What is your cancellation policy?

We kindly ask for a 48 business hour notice for session cancellation. If you cancel within 48 hours, you will be charged your full session fee.

What can I expect froM the free 15-Minute Consultation?

During the phone consultation, a member of our team will meet with you and together, we will talk about the challenges you are facing and your goals for therapy. The flow of sessions and payment will be reviewed as well. During the consultation, if it feels like a good fit, we will schedule your first session. Together we will create a tailored plan for therapy that works with your schedule and helps you achieve your goals.

How long are your therapy sessions?

A typical session lasts between 50-60 minutes. The frequency of sessions vary depending on individual needs and goals. In general, the frequency of therapy sessions is determined collaboratively between the therapist and the client.

Consistency in therapy is a crucial factor that can significantly impact the overall outcome. Regular sessions provide a structured and continuous space for individuals to explore and process their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It allows for a deeper understanding of patterns, facilitates skill-building, and promotes ongoing self-reflection.

Therapy is a process that unfolds over time, and consistent attendance helps build a strong therapeutic relationship between the client and therapist. This relationship is a key component of effective therapy, fostering trust and openness. The continuity of sessions allows for the gradual exploration of underlying issues, the development of coping strategies, and the implementation of positive changes in one's life.

Furthermore, consistent attendance helps individuals stay engaged in the therapeutic process and reinforces the application of new skills in real-life situations. It provides an opportunity for clients to track their progress, identify challenges, and receive ongoing support.

While weekly sessions are common, some individuals may benefit from more frequent sessions during times of crisis or significant life transitions. On the other hand, as progress is made, the frequency of sessions may decrease. Flexibility is essential, and therapists work collaboratively with clients to adjust the frequency of sessions based on evolving needs and goals.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of therapy is a dynamic interplay between the therapeutic approach, the client's commitment, and the consistency of the therapeutic process.

How Long does therapy last?

Because every client we work with has unique needs, presentation and goals, the length of therapy varies person to person.

i’M hesitant about therapy. will this work?

Absolutely! It's completely normal to feel hesitant about starting therapy. Taking this step shows tremendous strength and self-awareness. Therapy is a collaborative journey, and your willingness to explore it is a powerful choice. It's an opportunity to discover new insights, build resilience, and enhance your overall well-being. Many individuals find therapy to be a transformative and empowering experience. Remember, you're not alone on this path, and together, we can work towards positive changes that align with your strengths and aspirations. We take pride in our unique, modern and holistic approach to therapy. We go beyond the band-aid, one size fits all approach, and support our clients in understanding the root cause of their challenges. While we cannot guarantee results, our clinicians work collaboratively with our clients to facilitate a safe space to explore what is working and what isn’t.

Do you provide assessMMENTS?

Yes! Our team of expert clinicians can provide a range of Neuropsychological and Social/ Emotional assessments. In the intake call and clinical interview, your clinician will create a tailor made battery of measures that will help us uncover the underlying factors at play that are leading you to wanting to get some answers.

How long does the Adult ADHD testing process take?

The process can take as quick as 3 weeks to one month. Your clinician will collaborate with you to create an outline with deadlines in the first session. This allows everyone to be on the same page which ultimately leads to the best working alliance.

how do i know if I have ADHD?

ADHD symptoms in adults often manifest differently than in children, making diagnosis challenging. Common signs include forgetfulness, impulsivity, difficulty concentrating, and problems with time management. Undiagnosed ADHD in adults can lead to a handful of negative side effects and symptoms such as low self-esteem, irritability, and anxiety. If these symptoms significantly impact an adult's personal or professional life, it's prudent to consider ADHD testing. It's important to note that ADHD testing can be pursued at any age, as the disorder might have been undiagnosed in childhood or simply overlooked.

Ready for a session?

We are so happy you are here and look forward to answering any questions you have!